WMF Business Meeting Minutes
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
The Women’s Missionary Federation is a national and district organization driven to amplify interest in and love for God’s kingdom, both at home and abroad. It was established in 1962 by women of the emerging Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, and today includes an active group of women at United Free Lutheran. Together, they oversee serving groups and committees and help support both AFLC and local missionaries and ministries.
United’s WMF meets at the church the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. These gatherings include a Bible study (volunteer lead) and brief business meeting with a light lunch served (by volunteers) afterwards.
All women are invited and encouraged to participate.
This year’s Bible study
For 2023, the WMF is going through a study on “Women of Redemption” by AFLC members Tami Demo and Michele Mobley.
Publisher’s Description:
Throughout this Bible study we hope for you to learn that God’s perfect plan does not depend on your perfect obedience but on God’s perfect Sovereignty. We will look at these Old Testament women who lived imperfect lives and yet God’s plans still prevailed. Be encouraged that God’s will is sovereign no matter how flawed we are. Just like the women of redemption in this study, God rescues us from our sin, we are restored to a relationship with Him and through His faithfulness, we are redeemed.
“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14